Hello! I'm Lilly.

Hi, my name is Lilly. This is not my real name but what my real name means. I have had a hard life. Rejection at birth by my Dad for not being male, physical abuse, sexual abuse, all before I was 15. I did average at school, though better than my siblings. But though my life had many challenges while living at home, there was some order to it. That order fell apart when leaving home however.

Now I had to be able to make my own decisions, but since they had always been made for me and I didn’t trust in my own decision making, life became harder and I constantly shrived to be someone I wasn’t because I wasn’t standing in my true power.

After leaving home I was in an 18 year marriage with someone I didn’t love, a car accident, divorce, 10000 earthquakes that just happened to coincide with menopause, I brought up 2 kids on my own for 18 years and finally got diagnosed with PTSD.

As time has passed, I have learnt many things about why we feel we are not good enough, unloveable and unworthy and the limiting beliefs that come from those feelings. Through research, reading personal development books and therapy, I have learnt how to put myself first, love myself and accept who I am, knowing that my worthiness for unconditional love was never in question. But just as importantly, know that your worthiness was never in question either.

The name Colour Me White came to me some years back. White being the colour of purity and of unconditional love. The yin and yang is about balance and its colour, green is about harmony. The lily also represents love and purity. I have a thing for colour, knowing that colour has a vibration and can help heal different dis-ease in the body. My wish is to pass on the knowledge that I have gathered on my lifes journey in the hope that this knowledge will help you with your own journey.

Love, light and healing,


Colour Me White.