Colour Me Red and Blue

Apr 20, 2023 | Health and Wellbeing, Nurturing, Personal Development

Colour Me Red and Blue
“And so I wait. I wait for a time to heal the pain and raise me to my feet once again.
so that I can start a new path, my own path, the one that will make me whole again.”
Jack Canfield
As someone that has suffered from chronic pain, I know what it is like to “wait for a time to heal the pain”. Pain is not always just physical though, it can be emotional and emotional pain also takes time to heal. As you heal from emotional pain, you take on a new path, a path of personal growth, a path to enlightenment.
Put Red into your day to help free yourself from pain, replacing it with vitality and vibrate health. Then put Blue into your day, to help regenerate and purify, your mind, body and soul, in order to make yourself “whole again”.
Love, Light and Healing
Susan Durham
Colour Me White

Check out my Colour Me White page on Facebook for more on Colour Me Red and Blue